根据最新发布的2020年期刊引用报告(JCR),由国际数理统计学会出版的《The Annals of Statistics》—《统计学年鉴》在统计与概率学科继续保持领先地位,本刊在该领域的权威地位已经延续数年,全球超过40,000的统计数学家和相关从业者正在阅读该期刊,它是公认的统计数学领域最值得信赖的知识来源。该刊的部分文章电子版内容可以通过Project Euclid(https://projecteuclid.org/)平台免费访问获取。
https://projecteuclid.org/journals/annals-of-statistics (拷贝链接,在浏览器打开)
① Exact post-selection inference, with application to the lasso
作者:Jason D. Lee, Dennis L. Sun, Yuekai Sun, Jonathan E. Taylor
关键字: Confidence interval, hypothesis test, Lasso, Model selection
② Nearly unbiased variable selection under minimax concave penalty
作者:Cun-Hui Zhang
关键字:correct selection, Degrees of freedom, least squares, mean squared error, minimax, Model selection, nonconvex minimization
③ Controlling the false discovery rate via knockoffs
作者:Rina Foygel Barber, Emmanuel J. Candès
关键字:false discovery rate (FDR), Lasso, Martingale theory, permutation methods, sequential hypothesis testing, Variable selection
④ Wild binary segmentation for multiple change-point detection
作者:Piotr Fryzlewicz
关键字:Bayesian Information Criterion, binary segmentation, change-point detection, Multiple change-points, randomised algorithms, thresholding
⑤ Analysis of variance—why it is more important than ever
作者:Andrew Gelman
关键字:ANOVA, Bayesian inference, fixed effects, hierarchical model, Linear regression, multilevel model, random effects, variance components
关于《The Annals of Statistics》
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