IGCLC(iGroup China Librarian Conference)iGroup 中国图书馆员研讨会,会议宗旨:交流信息,开展合作,促进国内图书馆和出版社的交流;通过汇聚全球资讯和合作来助力学术科研;了解国内国际的图书馆的发展现状及趋势。
时隔四年的 iGroup 中国图书馆员研讨会 (IGCLC)即将到来,我们同山西大学图书馆一起,诚邀各位参加“第十届 iGroup 中国图书馆员研讨会 (IGCLC)”。
本次会议我们特邀美国科学促进会及《科学》系列期刊出版人 Bill Moran、上海图书馆副馆长徐强、清华大学图书馆副馆长邵敏、南洋理工大学教授 Lee Chu Keong、山西大学图书馆馆长杨光、美国电气电子工程师学会IEEE、美国化学学会ACS、德国Statista公司嘉宾以及iGroup旗下创新教育服务有限公司IES首席执行官等国内外业界专家汇聚一堂,与您共同探讨《人工智能时代下的图书馆可持续发展》。
主办单位:iGroup中国 山西大学图书馆
第一届:2004年天津研讨会 – “图书馆和网络资源技术”
第二届:2005年厦门研讨会 – “图书馆和网络资源技术”
第三届:2007年长沙研讨会 – “图书馆在虚拟合作世界中的作用”
第四届:2009年大连研讨会 – “新技术领域内的知识和发现”
第五届:2011年广州研讨会 – “数字出版和学习环境的新趋势”
第六届:2013年桂林研讨会 – “图书馆与出版发展新方向”
第七届:2015年成都研讨会 – “变化中的学术生态系统:高校、图书馆与学术出版的新契机”
第八届:2017年西安研讨会 – “需求与技术驱动下的图书馆服务”
第九届:2019年武汉研讨会 – “高等教育环境的变化及图书馆的定位”
山西大学图书馆 – 馆长
Librarian, Shanxi University Library
Dr. Yang Guang is a research librarian holding a Ph.D. degree. She currently serves as the Director of the Library at Shanxi University and the Chief Editor of ” Shanxi Library Journal “. Additionally, she is a Master’s supervisor at the School of Economics and Management at Shanxi University. Dr. Yang also holds several leadership positions, including Vice Chairman of the Shanxi Provincial Library Association, Vice Chairman of the Taiyuan City Library Association, member of the University Libraries Branch of the China Society of Library Science, member of the User Services Special Committee of the Chinese Library Society, and member of the Cataloging Special Committee of the Ancient Books Protection Association, among others.
“Reflections on Local University Libraries Innovative Services under the Background of High Quality Development”
Director of Global Collaboration & Partner Publishing, AAAS/Science.Publisher
负责Science系列期刊亚洲办公室的整体运营,与区内科研院校、学协会、政府和企业等开展战略合作,利用Science和AAAS在国际学术界的声望和资源帮助合作伙伴提升国际影响力,吸引国际科研人才和合作项目;合作举办高端国际学术会议,组织编辑的访问交流和作者培训等活动。2017年起参与创立Science合作期刊(Science Partner Journals, SPJ)项目。2018年8月,AAAS历史上第一本合作期刊⸺与中国科协合作的Research正式在Science网站上线。至2022年底,该项目已经成功合作了十四种期刊。
In her role, Xiaoying leads the AAAS/Science Asia office, being responsible for developing and executing the strategic plans for collaborations with universities and associations, scientific meetings, publishing collaborations, and representing the Science family of journals in the area. She spearheaded the launch of Science Partner Journal (SPJ) program, and brought about the agreements of the fourteen SPJ stitles published by 2022.
“Approaching Open Access, Keeping Your Eyes Open”
南洋理工大学 – 博士
Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
Lee Chu Keong博士目前是新加坡南洋理工大学黄金辉传播与信息学院的助理主任(终身学习和国际关系),并且是MSc(知识管理)课程的项目主任。他原本是一名化学工程师,后来深入研究了信息科学和知识管理领域。除了南洋理工大学,他还曾在新加坡理工学院和淡马锡理工学院担任教职。
Dr Lee is currently the Assistant Chair (Lifelong Learning and International Relations) and programme director of the MSc (Knowledge Management) programme at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communica-tion and Information at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He is a chemical engineer by training, but furthered his studies in the areas of information science and knowledge management. In addition to NTU, he has also held teaching positions at the Singapore and Temasek Polytechnics.
His current teaching assignments include graduate courses in the areas of knowledge management, business information sources and services, and data science. He strongly believes that everyone should be able to think computationally.
“How AI is Affecting Education and Librarianship”
Director International Sales, IEEE
作为IEEE(电气电子工程师学会)国际销售总监,他负责管理IEEE Xplore数字图书馆在亚太地区、欧洲、拉丁美洲和大洋洲的销售活动。自2006年以来,他一直是IEEE国际销售团队的一员,担任国际区域经理、区域销售经理,并于2022年起担任国际销售总监。 Paul于1998年加入IEEE,担任出版物和信息营销总监。他是该团队的一员,参与开发、推出和营销旗舰产品IEEE电子图书馆(IEL)。
Paul Canning has held key roles in editorial, marketing, product development and sales in professional and scholarly publishing businesses for more than twenty five years. He has worked for both commercial and not-for-profit organizations.
As the IEEE Director International Sales, he manages IEEE sales activities for the IEEE Xplore Digital Library in APAC, EMEA, Latin America and Oceania. He has been a part of the IEEE international sales team since 2006 in the roles of international area manager, regional sales manager, and since 2022, director international sales.
Paul joined the IEEE in 1998 as the director of publication and information marketing. He was a member of the team developing, launching, and marketing the flagship product, the IEEE Electronic Library (IEL).
“The Advent of Generative AI and its Implications for a Scholarly Society”
ACS Publications – Market & Business Development Manager
Yang Wang has been engaged in sales in the publishing industry for 12 years. Specializes in facilitating relationships and collaborations between publishers and libraries. He is mainly responsible for the marketing and development of ACS universities in China.
With years of work experience, Wang Yang can quickly capture the dynamics and development of the market, and promote the cooperation and development of publishing houses and libraries. Provide quality services for the academic development of universities.
“Academic Publishing in the Age of AI”
Associate Librarian, Tsinghua University Library
Shao Min holds a Master’s degree in Engineering from Tsinghua University. Currently, she serves as the Deputy Director and Associate Research Librarian at Tsinghua University Library, overseeing the develop-ment of literary resources. She is a member of the Library and Information Work Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the Resource Development and Sharing Professional Committee of the China Society of Library Science, the Vice Chairman of the Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries (DRAA), and an editor of “Library and Information Service” journal.
“Introduction and Service of Digital Resources in University Libraries under the Background of High Quality Development”
Associate Librarian, Shanghai Library
Mr. Xu Qiang currently serves as the Deputy Director of Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai). He holds a Master’s degree and is a member of the Standing Committee of the Library Buildings and Equipment Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). He has previously served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Public Libraries Section and the Information Technology Section of IFLA. Additionally, he is a member and the Director of the Academic Research Committee and the Library Buildings and Equipment Professional Group of the Tenth Council of the China Society of Library Science.
Mr. Xu has long been devoted to the academic research of library and information informatization, intelligence, digitization, multimedia services, library space construction, and innovative services.
“Analysis on the Smart Libraries Spatial Construction and Intelligent Service Mode”
Statista 大中华区市场部总监
Marketing Director, Greater China, Statista Pte Ltd.
Shen Yunan serves as the Director of the Greater China Marketing Department at Statista Pte Ltd. With 14 years of study and work experience in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Germany, she excels in utilizing data analysis to assist businesses in understanding industry trends and market insights, as well as expanding their market presence. Shen Yunan is responsible for managing and formulating brand marketing strategies, analyzing market positioning, and overseeing new media operations and planning.
“Do We Need Librarians Now that We Have ChatGPT?”
CEO, Innovative Education Services Ltd. (IES, an iGroup company)
黄伟富博士从一位研究员,转型成为一位工程师和企业管理者,如今他是一位资讯科学专家。曾在汤森路透旗下的Web of Science部门工作了整整十年,黄博士积极参与了亚太地区书目计量和研究评估领域的各种活动。
Wong Woei Fuh transitioned from being a researcher to an engineer and business manager and is now an expert in information science. He spent a decade working at the Web of Science division under Thomson Reuters. Dr. Wong actively participated in various activities related to bibliometrics and research assessment in the Asia-Pacific region.
In 2015, he founded a consultancy team in Singapore that focuses on research communication. The team operates under iGroup. Dr. Wong is frequently invited to academic institutions to give lectures and participate in seminars. His topics include research social impact, research oralization, collaborative cooperation, and AI applications in academia.
In recent consultancy projects, he has assisted regional journal publishers in enhancing the visibility of journals and authors using research marketing strategies.
“The global perspective of how academic libraries use AI to improve their services”
酒店地址 Hotel Address |
山西省太原市迎泽区并州北路2号邮政大厦1层 1st Floor, No. 2, Bingzhou North Road, Yingze District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province |
酒店电话 Hotel Phone |
0351-8208888 |
酒店服务 |
免费Wifi、免费停车场、商务中心、会议服务、西餐厅、叫醒服务、洗衣服务、租车服务、有电梯、咖啡厅、酒吧、棋牌室、桑拿、网球场、大床、双床、套房、上网、含早、停车场、刷卡 |
– 至五一广场步行5分钟;
– 距离太原展览中心约4公里,乘坐出租车约10分钟;
– 距离太原武宿机场约15公里,乘坐出租车约21分钟;
– 距离太原火车站约2公里,步行约10~15分钟;
– 距离太原南站约11公里,乘坐出租车约18分钟;
– 至太原长途汽车步行约5~10分钟。
IGCLC(iGroup China Librarian Conference)iGroup 中国图书馆员研讨会,会议宗旨:交流信息,开展合作,促进国内图书馆和出版社的交流;通过汇聚全球资讯和合作来助力学术科研;了解国内国际的图书馆的发展现状及趋势。
时隔四年的 iGroup 中国图书馆员研讨会 (IGCLC)即将到来,我们同山西大学图书馆一起,诚邀各位参加“第十届 iGroup 中国图书馆员研讨会 (IGCLC)”。
本次会议我们特邀美国科学促进会及《科学》系列期刊出版人 Bill Moran、上海图书馆副馆长徐强、清华大学图书馆副馆长邵敏、南洋理工大学教授 Lee Chu Keong、山西大学图书馆馆长杨光、美国电气电子工程师学会IEEE、美国化学学会ACS、德国Statista公司嘉宾以及iGroup旗下创新教育服务有限公司IES首席执行官等国内外业界专家汇聚一堂,与您共同探讨《人工智能时代下的图书馆可持续发展》。
主办单位:iGroup中国 山西大学图书馆
第一届:2004年天津研讨会 – “图书馆和网络资源技术”
第二届:2005年厦门研讨会 – “图书馆和网络资源技术”
第三届:2007年长沙研讨会 – “图书馆在虚拟合作世界中的作用”
第四届:2009年大连研讨会 – “新技术领域内的知识和发现”
第五届:2011年广州研讨会 – “数字出版和学习环境的新趋势”
第六届:2013年桂林研讨会 – “图书馆与出版发展新方向”
第七届:2015年成都研讨会 – “变化中的学术生态系统:高校、图书馆与学术出版的新契机”
第八届:2017年西安研讨会 – “需求与技术驱动下的图书馆服务”
第九届:2019年武汉研讨会 – “高等教育环境的变化及图书馆的定位”
山西大学图书馆 – 馆长
Librarian, Shanxi University Library
Dr. Yang Guang is a research librarian holding a Ph.D. degree. She currently serves as the Director of the Library at Shanxi University and the Chief Editor of ” Shanxi Library Journal “. Additionally, she is a Master’s supervisor at the School of Economics and Management at Shanxi University. Dr. Yang also holds several leadership positions, including Vice Chairman of the Shanxi Provincial Library Association, Vice Chairman of the Taiyuan City Library Association, member of the University Libraries Branch of the China Society of Library Science, member of the User Services Special Committee of the Chinese Library Society, and member of the Cataloging Special Committee of the Ancient Books Protection Association, among others.
“Reflections on Local University Libraries Innovative Services under the Background of High Quality Development”
Director of Global Collaboration & Partner Publishing, AAAS/Science.Publisher
负责Science系列期刊亚洲办公室的整体运营,与区内科研院校、学协会、政府和企业等开展战略合作,利用Science和AAAS在国际学术界的声望和资源帮助合作伙伴提升国际影响力,吸引国际科研人才和合作项目;合作举办高端国际学术会议,组织编辑的访问交流和作者培训等活动。2017年起参与创立Science合作期刊(Science Partner Journals, SPJ)项目。2018年8月,AAAS历史上第一本合作期刊⸺与中国科协合作的Research正式在Science网站上线。至2022年底,该项目已经成功合作了十四种期刊。
In her role, Xiaoying leads the AAAS/Science Asia office, being responsible for developing and executing the strategic plans for collaborations with universities and associations, scientific meetings, publishing collaborations, and representing the Science family of journals in the area. She spearheaded the launch of Science Partner Journal (SPJ) program, and brought about the agreements of the fourteen SPJ stitles published by 2022.
“Approaching Open Access, Keeping Your Eyes Open”
南洋理工大学 – 博士
Nanyang Technological University of Singapore
Lee Chu Keong博士目前是新加坡南洋理工大学黄金辉传播与信息学院的助理主任(终身学习和国际关系),并且是MSc(知识管理)课程的项目主任。他原本是一名化学工程师,后来深入研究了信息科学和知识管理领域。除了南洋理工大学,他还曾在新加坡理工学院和淡马锡理工学院担任教职。
Dr Lee is currently the Assistant Chair (Lifelong Learning and International Relations) and programme director of the MSc (Knowledge Management) programme at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communica-tion and Information at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He is a chemical engineer by training, but furthered his studies in the areas of information science and knowledge management. In addition to NTU, he has also held teaching positions at the Singapore and Temasek Polytechnics.
His current teaching assignments include graduate courses in the areas of knowledge management, business information sources and services, and data science. He strongly believes that everyone should be able to think computationally.
“How AI is Affecting Education and Librarianship”
Director International Sales, IEEE
作为IEEE(电气电子工程师学会)国际销售总监,他负责管理IEEE Xplore数字图书馆在亚太地区、欧洲、拉丁美洲和大洋洲的销售活动。自2006年以来,他一直是IEEE国际销售团队的一员,担任国际区域经理、区域销售经理,并于2022年起担任国际销售总监。 Paul于1998年加入IEEE,担任出版物和信息营销总监。他是该团队的一员,参与开发、推出和营销旗舰产品IEEE电子图书馆(IEL)。
Paul Canning has held key roles in editorial, marketing, product development and sales in professional and scholarly publishing businesses for more than twenty five years. He has worked for both commercial and not-for-profit organizations.
As the IEEE Director International Sales, he manages IEEE sales activities for the IEEE Xplore Digital Library in APAC, EMEA, Latin America and Oceania. He has been a part of the IEEE international sales team since 2006 in the roles of international area manager, regional sales manager, and since 2022, director international sales.
Paul joined the IEEE in 1998 as the director of publication and information marketing. He was a member of the team developing, launching, and marketing the flagship product, the IEEE Electronic Library (IEL).
“The Advent of Generative AI and its Implications for a Scholarly Society”
ACS Publications – Market & Business Development Manager
Yang Wang has been engaged in sales in the publishing industry for 12 years. Specializes in facilitating relationships and collaborations between publishers and libraries. He is mainly responsible for the marketing and development of ACS universities in China.
With years of work experience, Wang Yang can quickly capture the dynamics and development of the market, and promote the cooperation and development of publishing houses and libraries. Provide quality services for the academic development of universities.
“Academic Publishing in the Age of AI”
Associate Librarian, Tsinghua University Library
Shao Min holds a Master’s degree in Engineering from Tsinghua University. Currently, she serves as the Deputy Director and Associate Research Librarian at Tsinghua University Library, overseeing the develop-ment of literary resources. She is a member of the Library and Information Work Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the Resource Development and Sharing Professional Committee of the China Society of Library Science, the Vice Chairman of the Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic Libraries (DRAA), and an editor of “Library and Information Service” journal.
“Introduction and Service of Digital Resources in University Libraries under the Background of High Quality Development”
Associate Librarian, Shanghai Library
Mr. Xu Qiang currently serves as the Deputy Director of Shanghai Library (Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai). He holds a Master’s degree and is a member of the Standing Committee of the Library Buildings and Equipment Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). He has previously served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Public Libraries Section and the Information Technology Section of IFLA. Additionally, he is a member and the Director of the Academic Research Committee and the Library Buildings and Equipment Professional Group of the Tenth Council of the China Society of Library Science.
Mr. Xu has long been devoted to the academic research of library and information informatization, intelligence, digitization, multimedia services, library space construction, and innovative services.
“Analysis on the Smart Libraries Spatial Construction and Intelligent Service Mode”
Statista 大中华区市场部总监
Marketing Director, Greater China, Statista Pte Ltd.
Shen Yunan serves as the Director of the Greater China Marketing Department at Statista Pte Ltd. With 14 years of study and work experience in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Germany, she excels in utilizing data analysis to assist businesses in understanding industry trends and market insights, as well as expanding their market presence. Shen Yunan is responsible for managing and formulating brand marketing strategies, analyzing market positioning, and overseeing new media operations and planning.
“Do We Need Librarians Now that We Have ChatGPT?”
CEO, Innovative Education Services Ltd. (IES, an iGroup company)
黄伟富博士从一位研究员,转型成为一位工程师和企业管理者,如今他是一位资讯科学专家。曾在汤森路透旗下的Web of Science部门工作了整整十年,黄博士积极参与了亚太地区书目计量和研究评估领域的各种活动。
Wong Woei Fuh transitioned from being a researcher to an engineer and business manager and is now an expert in information science. He spent a decade working at the Web of Science division under Thomson Reuters. Dr. Wong actively participated in various activities related to bibliometrics and research assessment in the Asia-Pacific region.
In 2015, he founded a consultancy team in Singapore that focuses on research communication. The team operates under iGroup. Dr. Wong is frequently invited to academic institutions to give lectures and participate in seminars. His topics include research social impact, research oralization, collaborative cooperation, and AI applications in academia.
In recent consultancy projects, he has assisted regional journal publishers in enhancing the visibility of journals and authors using research marketing strategies.
“The global perspective of how academic libraries use AI to improve their services”
酒店地址 Hotel Address |
山西省太原市迎泽区并州北路2号邮政大厦1层 1st Floor, No. 2, Bingzhou North Road, Yingze District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province |
酒店电话 Hotel Phone |
0351-8208888 |
酒店服务 |
免费Wifi、免费停车场、商务中心、会议服务、西餐厅、叫醒服务、洗衣服务、租车服务、有电梯、咖啡厅、酒吧、棋牌室、桑拿、网球场、大床、双床、套房、上网、含早、停车场、刷卡 |
– 至五一广场步行5分钟;
– 距离太原展览中心约4公里,乘坐出租车约10分钟;
– 距离太原武宿机场约15公里,乘坐出租车约21分钟;
– 距离太原火车站约2公里,步行约10~15分钟;
– 距离太原南站约11公里,乘坐出租车约18分钟;
– 至太原长途汽车步行约5~10分钟。